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Dr. Sitaram Dixit

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dr. sitaram dixit

·        Consultant for Flavor & Fragrance, Home, Fabric, & Personal Care Chemical Industry

·         Life Member & Chairman of Consumer Guidance Society of India, Mumbai


·         PhD awarded for research on functional chemistry of natural essential oils.

·         M.Sc. in Analytical Chemistry, and

·         Post Graduate in Operations Research for Management from Bombay University.


      Over 33 Years’ experience holding senior managerial postings in H&PC Chemical Industry

·         Hindustan Lever Ltd., as In-Charge Soap Development Pilot Plant

·         Hindustan Ciba-Geigy Ltd., as Technical Services Manager India Subcontinent

·         International Flavours & Fragrances India Ltd., as Senior Manager Technical Fragrance Development & Applications,

·         S. H. Kelkar & Company Pvt. Ltd., as Corporate Manager Fragrances

·         Oriental Aromatics Ltd., as President Flavour & Fragrance Division

During his professional career, Sitaram Dixit has handled departments like,

·         Quality control & Quality assurance,

·         Detergents, Soaps, Cosmetics, and Glycerine manufacture,

·         Vegetable fat splitting, oil expelling, extraction, and hydrogenation

·         Soya food milk supplements manufacture and analysis,

·         Fragrance creation / blending, fragrance application & evaluations,

·         Agrochemicals & Effluent treatment,

·         Production Plant commissioning & Project management,

·         Manpower planning, Distribution and Logistics,

·         Formulation Research & Development,

·         Technical services, Marketing & New Business Development

  • Dr Sitaram  Dixit  has  published  more  than  150  papers  in  Scientific  Chemical  Industry  Journals  of National  and International repute.
  • He is a member of the Industrial Council of Fragrance & Flavour Development Centre, Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India.
  • Sitaram was the member of ‘Technical Advisory Committee for Essential Oils’ at ‘Small Industries Services Institute’, Ministry of Industries, Government of India whose main objective was to prepare an action plan for systemic and sustainable growth, provide technological inputs to small and medium enterprises to prepare quality up-gradation and capacity building plans for the essential oils industry sector.
  • He was a MEMBER OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS (BIS), and is currently member of various Divisional and Sectional Committees concerned with, the framing of ‘Indian National Standards’, namely

·         Chemical Divisional Council (CHDC),

·         Petroleum, Coal, & Related Products, Divisional Council (PCDC),

·         Foods & Drugs Divisional Council, (FAD)

·         Production & General Engineering Divisional Council (PGDC)

  • Sitaram is an honorary visiting faculty for

       ·         Technology Resources Programs, with FFDC & MSME Institute, Ministry of Industries, Government of India,

       ·         Post Graduate Diploma, in Analytical Chemistry, Perfumery and Cosmetics Management, Mumbai University,

       ·         B. Tech, as “Professor J. G. Kane Memorial Visiting Professorship in Chemical Technology” at ICT (UDCT)

       ·         M. Tech. (Perfumery & Flavours) at Institute of Chemical Technology ICT, (UDCT)

  • He is the Hon. Technical Editor of ‘Soaps, Detergents & Toiletries Review’, Hon. Convener of ‘SCODET Asia and Oil Technologist Association of India’ conferences. He is a member of the editorial board of ‘Flavour and Fragrance Association of India’, ‘Sugandh India’, and was a member of the ‘Council for Fair Business Practices’, ‘Indian Soap & Toiletries Makers Association’, and ‘Bombay Chamber of Commerce and Industry’.